Within any special interest group there will be commonly used terms that are “known” to the persons within the organization, but a completely unfamiliar language to a newcomer.
Here is a very basic primer of some terms that may be new to you:
Anachronism / Anachronistic: A chronological inconsistency, anything out of its proper place in time. (Knight in shining armor holding a diet Coke).
A&S: Arts and Sciences; an office that facilitates references for historical arts and culture. Also used as a generic term for the majority of non-fighting activities.
Autocrat: Old term for Event Steward.
Baron/Baroness: Appointed public representatives to SCA groups (Barony) with over 50 paid members of the SCA.
Chirurgeon: Volunteer first-aid support.
Chronicler: Office responsible for a group’s newsletter; chronicles activities.
Court: Formal gathering/meeting with Royal presence (Their Majesties or Baron/Baroness).
Crown: The King and Queen of Atenveldt, also known as the Royals or Their Royal Majesties (TRM).
(the) Dream: What we in the SCA strive to represent in re-creating the essence of beauty, honor, grace and chivalry of Medieval Western European culture.
Eric: Roped fighting field.
Event: This generally refers to an official SCA activity, usually held on a weekend, where there is a site fee and guests are expected to wear garb. Events may include fighting, A&S, a feast, period dancing, and bardic.
Event Steward: Host or hostess of an SCA event.
Exchequer (Reeve): Group treasurer in charge of financial matters.
Favor: A ribbon, embroidered cloth, or other item given (usually to a fighter) as a mark of esteem. These can signify anything from simple friendship or good wishes, to a memento of love and commitment.
Feastware: Simple (wooden, pewter, ceramic) mug, plate, bowl, eating utensils not usually provided at SCA meals.
Feast Gear: Eating dishes and utensils for one diner. Most SCA feasts assume that guest will bring their own tableware suitable to the event. This includes a plate, bowl, drinking vessel, and utensils in pottery, metal, wood, or glass. Guests may also bring tablecloths, candles and any other items that might enhance the setting.
Garb: Medieval clothing worn to SCA events, as opposed to “costumes” which are worn to Halloween parties or masked balls. However, most garb is suitable for Halloween parties and masked balls.
Gold Key (Hospitaller, Chatelaine): Hospitality representative, good point for information and loaner garb.
Hardsuit: Armored combat, more correctly called Heavy Fighting/Fighter.
Heavy Weapons: Combat performed in armor and simulated (rattan) weapons on foot, as opposed to “Light Weapons” which include fencing and archery. Heavy weapons combat is done in armor that meets SCA safety regulations, according to SCA rules, which were developed to safely re-create the combat of the medieval knight.
Heirs: Victor of Crown Tournament and consort who until Coronation are known as Heirs to the throne and addressed as Their Royal Highnesses (TRH).
Herald: Voice of the Crown, person who makes announcements, also aids persons in researching personal identification representation.
HOLD!: Stop everything and pray attend. Some danger exists that requires immediate attention!
Huzzah! : Cheer of congratulations; Recognition for a job well done. (Period Hoorah!)
Marshal: Field safety personnel for archery, heavy fighting, and rapier.
Merchant: Person who sells wares, items, books, etc. Many items are period-style.
M’Lord or m’Lady: Proper attention getting form of address for anyone in the SCA.
Mundane: Who we are in our day to day life.
Pavilion: Shade or tent.
Period: The SCA period ranges from the fall of the Roman Empire (about 450 A.D.) to the beginning of the Reformation, generally identified by the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1607. The word “period” is used in the SCA as shorthand for “historically accurate”.
Persona: A character assumed by an SCA member, someone who “could have existed” in a specific time and place in the SCA period. Use of actual historical persons as a persona is not permitted.
Populace: The persons who comprise an SCA group.
Privy: Most common usage: bathroom. (Also Privy Secretary: Private Secretary).
Rapier: Period fencing.
Reverence: Courtesy nod, bow or curtsey in recognition of meeting others in the SCA.
Seneschal: Group president.
Shire: Recognized group within the Kingdom of Atenveldt with at least 12 paid members of the SCA.
Smalls: Underwear; however, within the SCA it is a term used for young children. (Children were called children in historical times).
Society: Abbreviated term for Society for Creative Anachronism, or the governing body of the SCA.
Southwind: Newsletter for the Kingdom of Atenveldt, containing information for upcoming events. Comes with sustaining membership in the SCA.
Thunderbolt: The Newsletter for the Barony of Mons Tonitrus
Tournaments Illuminated: The quarterly magazine published by the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Troll: Old term for Gate.
War: Term for a larger SCA event. Most common references are to Estrella, Pennsic, Gulf, Lillies, Potrero, and Great Western.
Your Excellency: Proper form of address for anyone wearing a Coronet in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. More commonly used for Counts and Countesses and Barons and Baronesses.
Your Grace: Proper form of address a Duke or Duchess (someone that has held the Crown for two or more reigns).
Your Highness: Proper form of address for the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Atenveldt.
Your Majesty: Proper form of address for a King or Queen in the Kingdom of Atenveldt.
At the end of each Royal Court you will hear:
“Long live the King,
Long live the Queen,
Long live these Sovereign lands of Atenveldt”
If a Court is between Crown Tournament and Coronation, you will hear:
“Long live the King,
Long live the Queen,
Long live the Crown Prince,
Long live the Crown Princess,
Long live these Sovereign lands of Atenveldt”