Greetings, Populace and Officers of Mons Tonitrus!
At our next Populace Meeting, on January 2nd, we will be discussing our upcoming events and looking to find event stewards, feast stewards, and other staff needed to make sure these events are successful. Please consider volunteering to run Barmaids, a Baronial Sunday, Mace and Great Sword, a Kingdom event, or Yule 2018! If you have questions about what that entails, I will have Event Steward packets to pass out, containing the required forms and some sample To Do lists to help you on your way.
Time permitting, we will also be looking at what dates we’d like to hold our events in 2019, before the next Kingdom calendar meeting.
Let’s get ready to have a year of fantastic events!!
Also, Master Martin du Gras will give us an overview of Baronial and Kingdom awards. Estrella is coming, which is a great time to recommend those you deem worthy for recognition.
Thank you all, and see you soon!
-Bannthegn Juliana