Greetings and Good Day, All!
Please find below the agenda for the June Business Meeting. The Populace and Officers are welcome to contact me to add items (seneschal at bmmt dot org), or bring them up after Future Business. Let’s work together!
Old Business:
1) Baronial Recovery Day
2) Baronial Sunday
3) Other occurrences/information?
Current Business:
1) Announcements
2) Officer Reports
3) Archery Demonstration 08 June
4) Aten University 24 June
5) Baronial Arts and Sciences Competition 21 July
6) Survey Results
7) Other items?
Future Business:
1) Crown Tournament August 25/26
2) Mace and Great Sword – September 8th and 9th; Bids received!
3) Project/Craft Night plans
4) Officers – anything upcoming and not already covered?
5) Populace items?
Thank you everyone, I hope to see you tomorrow night!