From Their Excellencies, some items to discuss and announcements for this evening:
1) The Barony is seeking someone who can take notes and will post to the website (which feeds to our Facebook Page and Twitter).
2) Highlands War Meeting -Craft Night Thursday, to discuss who is going and other Baronial plans for that event. If you are going to the event but can’t make the meeting, send your input to Baroness Samara at: coronets at bmmt dot org
3) A&S – need lunch sides. If willing, please bring something to share to the after-party at the Seneschal’s place. (Meat, breads, condiments, and sodas will be provided). Also, please bring a chair.
4) Barony of Tir Ysgthir’s Baronial A&S is July 28th. Please support their event by attending, if you are able.
5) Offices filled: Deputy Seneschal – Ladyship Mariette; Chronicler – Lady Margherita (Thank you both for volunteering!)
6) Trunk or Treat – the Barony will be at *two* Trunk or Treat-style events this year. Please donate candy if you can.
7) Crown Tourney – any help needed?
8) the Baronial Ballista needs a home, preferably under shelter. Currently residing in St. David. Any takers? Questions?
From the Seneschal:
Officers still needed: Social Media, Exchequer (we have not received any letters of intent yet), Rapier Marshal, Youth Marshal. Deputies for any and all.
Forms for Mace and Great Sword have been submitted to Kingdom
A site has been found for Yule – the Lion’s Club in Benson. Further details will be forthcoming.
Master Taka – Baronial Eric and Banner Poles
Around the table – officers, event stewards, Strong Oak, Guilds, and any other business.
Please contact the Seneschal, at: seneschal at bmmt dot org for any additions to this agenda. Thank you!