Greetings Barony March of Mons Tonitrus. We would like to invite you to come to Kingdom Collegium hosted nearby at Cochise College in our own backyard. We have now published the working schedule of classes here:
If you would like to sign up and teach you can go here to sign up:
Remember this is also our polling for our new B&B so it is very important that many people attend and poll. The polling will happen right outside the room we use for court in the Student Union and will run from 12-2. As Always we appreciate your support through teaching and attending. The schedule of classes is subject to change without notification. TRM will be holding court at 10am sharp. Classes will begin at 11. There will be a period lunch held from 12-1 and then classes will resume from 1-4 pm. There will be a short closing court at 430 to finish any final business and announce the decision of the crown for polling. If you have any questions feel free to email either event stewards Lady Ghita at or Lord Floki the Ginger at
We can’t wait to see you all!
Lord Floki the Ginger