New Court Style Tuesday

Greeting Populace of Mons Tonitrus. In leu of court this month we be hosting Virtual Court in the comforts of your very own home. In order to participate in this session, you will need a laptop, desktop, or ios device (phone or tablet), internet access for the duration of the court, and zoom downloaded on your device as an app, as software or running in your browser. This will be the site we use as our meeting host and the link is You can do all of the above listed things from this link, if you want to use your web browser only, then you will click join meeting at the very top, meeting number will be assigned and posted prior to court on Tuesday. If you need an additional trial we will be available on Sunday at 4pm for 20 minutes as practice run. Thank you for your understanding we will see you Tuesday online.

YIS Always,

The Baroness’ of March of Mons Tonitrus

In Somnis Veritas