Greetings to all that want to participate in this year’s Cyber A&S Event, we implore you to sign up now. We will have an Artisan’s showcase in which all artisan’s entering this year’s competition can compete, no documentation is required; an Artisan and UFO social room will be provided for those who wish to discuss their finished and in progress works, share tips and tricks of their trades a room run by our very own Champion; we will have our Champion competition room where those vying for Champion will be displaying their art while speaking to and answering questions regarding their items, a room for Artisans entering not competing for champion, showing and discussing their art, as well as a social room for those to visit with long missed faces. We hope you will attend be it as artisan, evaluator, or spectator, we offer Arts hopefully some Science, good humor and a reconnection with friends. Join us on August 1st at 9am for a Cyber A&S. All entries must me submitted by July 27, 2020. Please remember to include your signed grant of release. Thank you.
Here is the form for the artisan’s showcase.
Here is the form for the competition sign up.
Link to Forms: Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship EVALUATION FORM- OBJECTS
Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship EVALUATION FORM-PERFORMANCE
Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship EVALUATION FORM-PROCESS
Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship EVALUATION FORM-RESEARCH PAPER
If you wish to be an evaluator please contact our Minister of Arts and Sciences at