BFC Meeting – Bid Review for Barmaids


From the Office of Exchequer

BFC Bid Review Session

Attention All!

We will be meeting tonight via Zoom to review the revised bid for the Barmaids event. Presentation will be made by Lord Nicholo de Santi and this bid will be voted on by the 5 voting members of the BFC. Passing vote will be 3 of 5.

All populous are welcome and encouraged to attend. We ask that that we keep questions tidy, and at some point I may have to close the floor for the vote. See you there tonight, and thank you!

Zoom Meeting Details

Topic: BFC Meeting
Date: Feb 27, 2023
Time: 07:00 PM Arizona
Click here to join from PC, Mac, iOS, or Android
Password: BMMT



Lady Keterlin (Kattra) die Fledermaus
Office of Exchequer