Call for LOIs ~ the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus

The time draws nigh when the populace of the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus shall partake in a polling event to make our voices heard unto the Crown of Atenveldt for selecting the next B&Bs in our fair Barony.

First – we need LOIs from our candidates!!

Information required in your letter of intent (and about polling) has been released in our Kingdom’s newsletter, April edition of the Southwind!

Those interested in submitting for B&B must write a Letter of Intent and send this to all of the following:

– The Crown of Atenveldt,
– The Kingdom Seneschal,
– The Baron and Baroness of Mons,

Letters must be sent NO LATER than May 28th!


Online polling will be provided to the populace of Mons, and will be open from 6pm June 21st through 6pm June 27th. Our in-person polling event takes place at the ~ Tournament of Flowers ~ this June 28th.

Good ladies and gentles wishing to poll must have on hand:

Be alert for future newsletters from our Barony and our Kingdom for more information regarding the candidates, and our polling event in June!