Here are the minutes from the July Populace and Business Meeting, July 3rd, 2018, provided graciously by Her Excellency Samara.
– Looking for someone to take minutes at meetings and Court Night to post for the populace on the web site
– For those going to Highlands War, will hold a quick discussion after the meeting and again at Craft Night about the encampment and populace expectations
– Baronial A&S – discussed judging format (do not have to sit with entries all day, will be given a card to place that will say OUT TO CLASSES); Need sides for lunch and then again for the after revel at HE Julianna and Professor Heinrich’s.
– Please support BTY A&S the Saturday after ours
– Lady Margharita is the new Chronicler, thank you Lady Illaria for your hard work
– Halloween – start gathering candy now for treat bags as we will be doing both Veterans Park and Benson/St David. Suggestions were also for Temporary Tatoos (HE Samara will look into getting these), candy may be dropped with HE Samara for storing, stickers.
– HE Samara to look into getting postcards with the Barony’s information and points of contact and monthly schedule to hand out
– Strong Oak has the Haunted Union on the 26th of Oct at 6 pm and will be doing a shooting gallery, all are asked to help
– Nov 11 suggest to make a Family Day @ Fighter Practice (advertise with Halloween bags). As this is Veteran’s Day, this date is up for discussion. Please email Their Excellencies: coronets at bmmt dot org with any suggestions.
– Need to help do flags for decorations for Crown Tourney – will be posted when and where help will be appreciated
– Lord Nathan and Lord Beto will pick up the Ballista from Lord Treavor this week
– Officers needed: Social Media, Deputy Chatelaine in charge of Loaner Garb, Rapier Marshal, Youth Minister and Youth Marshal
– HE Samara will get cards made up with the monthly schedule and Baronial members contact information for handing out
– Hamasaki Eiwa is looking into getting us as a test for Adult Boffers to help bridge our interests with some of the Live-Action Role-Play (LARP) groups and younger people that may not be able to afford armor, etc.
– at the Defenders of Twin Moons Tourney there is a possibility of archery tag – lots of people interested to go if so
– Southern Uprising site visit will be next week. Looking at a new site in Tombstone. HE Julianna has another site that we should also look at for future events, Desert Sanctuary at Rincon, in Mescal.
– Estrella volunteer check finally received. Congratulations and thank you to all who volunteered for MONS – we logged 648.75 hours for a total of $1946.25!!!
– Advertisement for new coronets will be out in August Southwind
– No Thrown Weapons on the 21st of July due to Baronial Arts and Sciences Championship
– Strong Oak schedule of events (looking for Baronial Members to participate):
– Aug 29th 11:30 – 1:30
– Sep 17th 11:00 – 1:00 Cochise College celebrates Constitution Day, We celebrate Magna Carta Day
– Oct 13th – 10:00 – ??? Field trip to Phoenix Art Museum – Sheik Warriors exhibit
– Chatelaine is putting in our application for Art in the Park and will need volunteers to help 6-7 Oct
– Please take the time to fill in the very short Atenveldt Demographic Survey (Link can be found in the Kingdom of Atenveldt Facebook group)
– Mace & Great Sword Event Steward is Lady Fiona 7-9 September at Lower Garden Canyon
– Lady Francheska has a new site for Yule — Lion’s Club in Benson 8 December
– Asked that a request be input to the finance committee to get new eric poles and banner poles. Will put costs out to the populace in case anyone wants to pay for some for themselves
– Sit and Stitch is back at Lady Rhiannon’s in Huachuca City starting Monday 9 July
– July 19th – Scribal will have a class on How to guild (add gold/silver to scrolls)