Greetings Mons Tonitrus! Have you been interested in applying for a new position in the Barony, we have the perfect place for you to start. Listed below are all the posts that the Barony currently needs filled with a brief description of their duties. Along with a new form to assist with the ease of your new journey to an officer or deputy title. The form comes in two formats, and online google doc, or a fillable pdf that you can email to All officer duties listed below come with reporting responsibilities to their seneschal, baron, baroness and kingdom officer, along with the following of guidelines set forth by the kingdom handbooks.
Waiver Officer/Deputy – This is a wonderful position for meeting new people outside of the barony and perfect for someone with light organizational skills. This person is responsible for keeping track of all of our non-member activity at fighter practices, demos and events. We would also like this officer to be responsible for making sure other legalities are met, by posting the harassment clause by gate at all local events.
Minister of List/Deputy –This job is a great way to see the fights up close, meet members of the populous, and get continual shade, for the most part, during events. This person is responsible for running the list for fighters at local events. This enables the marshals to call fights more easily when running tournaments. You may also run the list at any Kingdom event if you so desire.
Knight Marshal – Is a wonderful way to know the rules on the marshaling guidelines and an opportunity to connect with all of the marshals of the barony. The knight marshal is the go to for all of the marshal/captain offices of the barony. It may be at times required for you to answer questions, carry and tote regalia, settle any discrepancies that may arise. You may also have the privilege of marshaling fighters when necessary. Ultimately responsible for all marshaling activities in the barony.
Rapier Marshal (Steel Combat)/ Deputy – This is a great job as it is for many new fighters the first person who introduces them to a new fighting art. It is also gives you the opportunity to become an authority on rapier fighting rules and study. Should be an authorized fighter, or have been at one point. Will be responsible marshaling the field and marshaling other fighters when necessary. Should be able to carry and tote the required fighting regalia for the barony to and from fighter practice.
Thrown Weapons Marshal (Captain)/Deputy – A chance to meet and work with the archery and thrown weapons community, also having the chance to guide new members in developing their skills as a thrown weapons artist. Should be able to carry and tote gear from and to thrown weapons practice. Authorize thrown weapons marshals when necessary. Responsible for marshaling thrown weapons practice and also events when requested.
Youth Activities Officer/Deputy – Great position for someone who loves children. This position is the perfect fit for someone who loves to work with children and develop new activities to stimulate minds. It is not a babysitting job, we aim to grow and challenge our youth, while also giving them activities and youth corners at events. This job does come with a required background check from SCA, Inc.
Regalia Officer/Deputy – Perfect for someone who loves to organize and keeping tally of things. This person will be responsible for not just all of the baronial regalia that we take to events and keep, but the entire storage unit. Who has keys, who has borrowed what items, and in what condition items were loaned and returned in. Sign in/Sign out receipt book log will be a new responsibility to assist in this process.
Deputy Seneschal – Chance to see the behind the scenes of the SCA. How it all works, the ins and outs, learn the rules and regulations, knowing the barony and bidding stewards for events. Able to negotiate contracts under seneschal, attend calendar meetings and help decide baronial event dates. Learn legalities of being a barony and a non-profit organization. Understand the business aspect of the SCA.
Chatelaine (New Comer Liaison) – Best job for meeting new people and introducing them to the SCA. Great for a person who likes to do marketing and has innovative ideas for demos, new comer events, and attracting new members to the barony and SCA. Able to carry and tote marketing and chatelaine regalia to and from events and demos. Provide flyers for promoting new comers to barony. Distribute Thunderbolt newsletter to potential members at events, fighter practices, etc.
Minister of Arts & Sciences Deputy – Wonderful way to promote the arts, and participate in them with the barony. Help with reporting if needed, included collecting data from events and demos. Help with classes for events. Run the yearly A&S competition in July with the assistance of the A&S Champion and Minister of A&S. Job responsibilities for deputy of this event include finding teachers, judges, competitors, and lots of advertising, organizing the overall event and assigning tasks.
You can download the form and fill out it, or click on the link below to fill out the online form.