Their Excellencies Mariette and Ilaria invite one and all to come join us for our Mace and Great Sword Tournament & Investiture!
Come and bear witness as the Coronets of this great barony pass to the successors of the Thunder Mountain!
Activities start Friday evening with Baroness Mariette’s vigil, along with a night-shoot for archery. On Saturday there will be the event’s titular tournaments for heavy and cut-and-thrust, as well as archery and thrown weapons activities. Rapier fighting will have a dueling format and will run throughout the weekend with the “Greatest Duelist” being declared at final court. There will also be A&S classes, an A&S display, a largess derby, a feast, and bardic in the evening.
The menu will be posted as soon as the new B&Bs are selected.
Event Details
When: August 26-28, 2022
Site Opens: Friday, August 26th at 12:00 pm
Site Closes: Sunday, August 28th at 3:00 pm
Location: Las Cienegas National Conservation Area. Empire Ranch, Airstrip Group Site. Located seven miles north of Sonoita, AZ
Directions from Sierra Vista
Hwy 90 toward Interstate I-10, left onto Hwy 82, Head North (right) on State Highway 83. Near milepost 40, turn east onto the Empire Ranch entrance. Camping is at the Airstrip Group Site.
Directions from Tucson
Go east on I-10 and exit at Route 83 (scenic highway), Proceed south on Route 83 approximately 18 miles to the paved road on your left between mile post 40 and 39. Watch for brown Historic Empire Ranch sign on the right side of the highway. Turn east (left) onto paved road and follow for 3 miles to the Empire Ranch House on your left. Follow the SCA white signs to the campgrounds.
important Site Information
- Site is discretely wet, no glass please!
- Pets allowed on a hand-held leash with owners responsible for waste pickup
- Above ground fires allowed (depending on fire conditions)
- Dry RV camping
- The nearest hospital is in Sierra Vista
- Site roads are unpaved. The main road to the Empire Ranch headquarters is well-maintained and suitable for passenger cars and RVs.
- There is drinking water available at the Empire Ranch headquarters. Water is not located at camp site. We suggest bringing water for the weekend!!
- Please pack up all trash!
Site Fees
Early Registration
Adult Registration Camping: $30, Day Trip: $20
Youth (0-17) Camping: $0, Day Trip: $0/day
Pay-at-Gate (Cash only)
Adult Registration Camping: $35, Day Trip: $25
Youth (0-17) Camping: $0, Day Trip: $0/day
Member Discount on Fees (-$5)
Pre-Register Here!
Scroll to the bottom of the page to register online.
Feast Fees
Early Registration
Adult Feast: $10
Youth Feast (5-17): $5
Pay-at-Gate (Cash only)
Adult Feast: $15
Youth Feast (5-17): $10
Pre-Register Here!
Scroll to the bottom of the page to register online.
Please email our site stewards if you have questions about this event!
Event Stewards
Master Tariq ibn Yusuf ibn Askari al Ghassani
(M.K.A.: George Maloof,
and Baroness Elieth de Salazar
(M.K.A.: Elieth Salazar,
Feast Steward
Mistress Samara Caitlyn of Elfwyne
(M.K.A.: Deborah Doyle,