Pray attend to this message from our Knight Marshal, Widowmaker, below!
As of June, I have been searching for my replacement as Knight Marshal.
And it’s a FUN position!
You get to go to every practice, check the field for safety, do simple monthly reports, make sure loaner gear comes to practice, check that each event has marshals for competitions, and get reports from your Thrown Weapons, Archery, and Rapier marshals.
I serve as the Armored Combat marshal. You get to learn a little (or a lot!) about Archery, Thrown Weapons, Rapier, and Armored Combat. LOTS of members in the Barony are willing to share their knowledge, and assist with authorizing new combatants too!
If you are interested, please contact me at
And I am looking for a replacement ASAP!
Lady Rowan Juliana Widowmaker
aka Reginleif Vigdisardottir